SixStopMusic reviews… Eva Plays Dead

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April 2, 2013 by sixstopmusic

Eva Plays Dead
Eddies, Birmingham
March 28th 2013

IMAG1011So we’re at Eddie’s famed rock venue in the heart of Birmingham, ready for tour headliners Eva Plays Dead. The female-fronted foursome have had some excellent support, and the crowd can’t wait to see their headline act. And we’re ready too!

The intro is a corker, quoting Charlie Chaplin’s infamous ‘Look Up Hannah’ speech from the 1940 film ‘The Great Dictator’. It’s a top intro, and Eva Plays Dead take to the stage and follow it up with first track, ‘We Ain’t A Family’.

These guys are clear performers, their play is great and the vocals are top! They have a really good look, and the track is a brilliant opener.

We move slickly into ‘Secret’. There’s an undeniable attitude to the frontwoman’s performance, that runs right through the other band members. The band are feeling it, the crowd are feeling it, and the performance is superb, right from the get-go.

The drummer has some serious talent, as evidently do all of Eva Plays Dead.

Eva Plays Dead really bring the crowd to life, and they’re only too happy to oblige them. You can see why these guys are headlining. Comfortable on stage, in front of the crowd, and their performance oozes confidence. And right fully so, as we move into their third track, ‘Taken Over Control’.

Another great track, and there’s a brilliant breakdown in this one. Big props here to the bassist, who has been tremendous so far.

The next song is all about the lead singer’s grandma, ‘1950’s Woman’. The crowd help Eva Plays Dead along, joining in with ‘the clap’, a rarity at these kinds of gigs. So top stuff! The next thing you know the guitarist is out in the crowd!! Excellent! Rallying the room, and everyone gets involved!

After a quick dash back to the stage, they kick on into ‘He’s So Rock N Roll’. A track with a fantastic fret-melting solo that’s absolutely top-notch.

‘I Think I’m Crazy’ serves up another treat, and we have to mention the vocals here. They have been incredible throughout the set, and if you can imagine Gwen Stefani and Bif Naked combining their vocals, and backing it up with a funked up combo of catchy guitar riffage, brilliant bass, and double-cool drums. It’s rock that packs edge and soul. No idea what we’re talking about? Then check them out!

‘Things Change’ ramps up the funky bass play, and delivers yet another top track! An absolute staple of the Eva Plays Dead set.

The next track is “dedicated to all unsigned bands” and it’s title is fitting. ‘We’re Gonna Make It’ sends a clear message out to everyone out there trying to get a break in the music industry, and get their sound heard. And that’s why SixStopMusic are here tonight! Eva Plays Dead epitomise a huge amount of what is great about the local and unsigned music scene. A band that loves to perform, deliver a real unique sound, that deserves to be hear all across the UK, and possibly even further!

The final song of the set is ‘Horror Movie’.

The track is an absolute ‘Hellraiser’. It’s so catchy it makes you want to ‘Scream’, and honestly would have most people rocking ‘From Dusk Til Dawn’. There were a few in the crowd dancing like a bit of a ‘Psycho’.

It’s a performance we’re certainly happy we ‘Saw’, and they deliver it like it’s ‘Child’s Play’. And at the ‘End of Days’, when it comes to delivering a top performance, Eva Plays (Evil) Dead, are out on their ‘Sweeny Todd’!

Enough Horror movie references? We think so!

But in all honesty, Eva Plays Dead delivered a brilliant performance, and there is no doubt with how hard they work, and play, they’re destined for great things!
Jaytee says;
Really enjoyed Eva Plays Dead. Their sound was great, they delivered a top performance, and if I’m free, and they’re back in town, then I’ll be popping along to get another fix of Eva Plays Dead. Really good performance tonight!

Jannetty says;
Tonight Eva Plays Dead showed us why they are on the verge of making it. From the intro music I knew it was going to be special. The crowd loved every minute of it, and how could they not with the energy on show. Great songs, sound and attitude. Awesome!

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