SixStopMusic reviews… The Callout – ‘Save Yourself’ EP

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April 11, 2013 by sixstopmusic

calloutA signal of intent to create important pop-rock in 2013….

SixStopMusic – The Callout ‘Save Yourself’

The Callout from Redditch released new EP “Save Yourself” in late 2012. They manage to deliver an EP that feels like a live show, fast-paced from the first note to the last but leaving you full of pop-rock goodness’!

The EP explodes with ‘I’m living proof that we won’t change’. From the opening line of ‘Stop Thinking’, we hear Stone Temple Pilots’ Scott Weiland like vocals, but as the fireworks continue, this song has Fallout Boy written all over it. The guitar sound is massive, stinging your insides, but very much in a good way! It is probably tracks like this that scored the band support slots with McFly and Deaf Havana….

We fly straight into track 2, ‘Testing the Theory’, where The Callout display ability they have to capture you from the moment the vocal invades your eardrums. The Verse is as catchy as the chorus, with brilliant harmonies taking the chorus on to another level of catchy goodness. Although there is still a Fallout Boy influence to The Callout, this helping has a bit of an Idlewild meets Foo Fighters’ feel to it, adding another dimension to the band.

The finale is ‘Secrets’, the stand out track on this EP. The now distinctive 2 guitar Callout sound, grabs you instantly before Dave Grohl like vocals confirm this song is the ‘one’. The line “No More Secrets” is brilliantly used to hook the listener, no more so in the outro where a wonderfully crafted build up leads to an anthem finish, with this now iconic line transfixed to every note.

After releasing their first EP ‘Questions and Answers’, The Callout have delivered ‘Save Yourself’, a signal of intent to create important pop-rock in 2013.


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