SixStopMusic reviews…The Insomniacs – ‘Rusted Revolutions’ EP

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April 11, 2013 by sixstopmusic

insomniacsReady to mix it with UK’s unsigned heavyweights this year and beyond….

SixStopMusic – The Insomniacs ‘Rusted Revolutions’

The Insomniacs only got together in November 2012 and have already dished up EP “Rusted Revolutions”. Officially released on March 9th, they show enough in 4 punk-tastic tracks to suggest this will not be the last we hear of them this year.

Opener ‘A False Reflection’ is a song that would fit nicely in any Sum 41 album. Full of catchy pop-punk guitar and vocals that Millencolins’ lead singer Nikola Sarcevic would be proud of, the Insomniacs have a sound straight from the skate punk years!

We move onto title track ‘Rusted Revolution’ and the sound changes. Gone are those skate punk years and in comes a track that would not be out of place in The Gallows album ‘Orchestra of Wolves’ from 2007. There is a darker feel to the band in this track, with a few ‘whoah’s’ to mix proceedings up in the chorus.

Next up is another shot of pop-punk Redditch style’. The bass on this song is influenced by the mighty Blink 182, and this sound seems to be one that comes very naturally to the lads. Potential floor filler here and very impressed to see the makings of one only 4 months into life as The Insomniacs know it!

As we close the curtain on this EP we hear ‘Greatest Pleasure’, where singer Tom Watkins talk’s about watching a past love wasting their life away. The Offspring vibe to this lends to a thumping chorus, enhanced with great ‘football terrace’ like backing vocals.

Overall this is an EP full of potential from a band showing they are ready to mix it with UK’s unsigned heavyweights this year and beyond.

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