What we do

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We love music, especially new music.

We get a lot of music fed to us daily from big-wigs making big bucks, whilst a whole host of incredibly talented acts, artists, musicians and bands, strive to get their sound heard without diving onto the X-Factor, or Britain’s Got Talent.

Which is why we are here!

We want to give pioneers of new music a platform to get their sound heard, create a following, expand and explore the UK’s music venues, and make their way in the music industry.

How we do this (for now) is very simple.

SixStopMusic will provide free coverage to bands via our website, social platforms, and any other way we can within our means.

We’ll be heading out to gigs, reviewing bands, CDs, DVDs, venues, music stores, videos, and more, all with the aim of creating a network where you, the pioneers of new music, can interract, gain exposure, and help you on your journey to making it in the music industry.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, it will take time, but together we can build a community for new music to be heard, celebrated, and grow!

Exciting times!

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